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    Helpjuice Article Editor (WOW)

    Wow, you won't believe how powerful this editor is. Check out all the stuff you can do.

    With the Helpjuice editor, you can attach images, and edit them on-the-fly with our advanced image editor. 

    Example below


    We support the 'basics' such as tables, text formatting and all the other standard features you'd expect.  Some of the cool features our users love are such as Accordians/Tabs (see below), Article History (click on the top-right where it says "On Draft Revision"), Custom Access Levels, Publish & Expire, Publish In Future and DOZENS of other amazing features. 

    Customer Group A

    This will only show, once you click on this accordion, as it's "hidden" by default. It's a great way to limit the amount of content shown to user, e.g. decision trees.

    Customer Group B

    This will only show, once you click on this accordion, as it's "hidden" by default. It's a great way to limit the amount of content shown to user, e.g. decision trees.

    P.S.: Why did the chicken cross the road? We don't know, we're a knowledge base.

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